Meet Our Foxes
Since our inception in 2021, Fox Tale Sanctuary has become the home to 29 foxes in need. Each fox that comes into the sanctuary immediately sees the exotic vet, receives vaccinations, is microchipped and will be spayed/ neutered, enclosures will be built and filled with housing, toys and cat towers- immediate costs quickly escalate beyond $800. Your donation will go to immediate use to offset these costs and save foxes. Please consider donating today!

Personal Pet
Kit is my personal pet and has become Fox Tale Sanctuary's ambassador fox! She is a stunning Whitemark fox. Kit is a bit skittish as she had been through quite an ordeal very early on in life. However, she is a very happy and playful girl who loves crunching on raw chicken drums and destroying all kinds of squeaky toys! Kit's FAVORITE treat is mini-marshmallows.

Fur Farm
Bear was rescued from a Wisconsin fur farm and arrived at Fox Tale Sanctuary on November 7th, 2021. This laid-back silver red fox is the oldest at the sanctuary at 11 years of age. Bear LOVES dates! As a fur farm fox, Bear didn't arrive in the greatest of health and was found to have elevated liver enzymes that we manage and supplement with Denamarin daily. He is Kit's best friend and she keeps him young! If you'd like to sponsor Bear, please reach out!
Exotic Animal Auction- Left Behind
Meet Finnegan! This handsome blue- eyed hunk was rescued from Mount Hope Exotic Animal Auction where he was left behind by his bidder. He now enjoys life at Fox Tale Sanctuary. Albino red foxes are pretty rare. Albinism is caused by a lack of melanin, a dark pigment, and is a recessive gene. Albino foxes are susceptible to complications like sensitivity to sunlight and rarely survive to adulthood.

Owner Surrender
Roo, an owner surrender, had escaped twice, faced multiple moves and little interaction due to her owners' medical issues. Roo was initially very scared and has taken a lengthy period of time to open up, but is coming out of her shell more and more every day. Roo happily shares her enclosure with Greyson.

State Transfer
Zoe was found shot and brought to Stark Parks Wildlife Conservation Center. Following surgery to repair her shattered leg and recovery- no owner was found, so she was placed at Fox Tale Sanctuary for a permanent home. Zoe shows no signs of her traumatic injuries. We call her 'Momma Zoe' as she was helpful after we received several kits in 2022, loving and assisting in cleaning the babies.

Owner Surrender
Dutton came to FTS as an owner surrender because 'he' was not getting along with the other female fox in the enclosure. Dutton's initial exam revealed her true gender. He was a SHE- which explains why the two weren't getting along. Now, Dutton and Finnegan are a bonded pair, known for being the 'garbage cans' of the sanctuary as they have endless space for food and treats.

Breeder Surrender
Stinker is our most involved rescue. At 3 days old, he was brought to us after a breeder panicked when his mother consumed three littermates. After four weeks of care, Stinky thrived and became the beloved face of FTS, even reaching the top 24 in America’s Favorite Pet competition!

Breeder Surrender
Louie is Freya’s savior! Louie had an injury that resulted in him being in the home for a lengthy period of time. Freya had stayed in the house because all of the foxes would not accept her. Louie and Freya became best friends and now share an enclosure. Louie is a gentle, loving soul and the largest of the kits who came in 2022.

Breeder Surrender
Cole is one of the kits that arrived in 2022. He is a quiet and strong personality who craves attention but is not yet comfortable in giving you all his trust. Cole has STRIKING eyes against his sleek silver coat.

Breeder Surrender
Wheeler is another one of the kits that came to FTS in 2022 and has found his home with Hazel. Wheeler had been placed in an enclosure with Fallon initially. However, we quickly realized that he REALLY wanted to be with Hazel after constantly chewing through dividers out of his curiosity and interest in her. It has been ‘stars and hearts’ since the move. Wheeler is a submissive and gentle personality.

Breeder Surrender
Greyson is another kit surrendered in 2022 who was not a fan of humans from the start. Even as a 5 week old kit, he would growl. Greyson had the perfect personality to be paired with Roo. He is one of the sweetest foxes at FTS and although elusive, Greyson has helped Roo come out of her shell.

Breeder Surrender
Lola is the sister to Greyson, Louie, Wheeler and Cole. She is an inquisitive personality, playful and the first to take any toy from the foxes in the enclosure. Other than Freya, Lola is the only other fox to have a middle name here at the sanctuary due to her demanding and bossy personality with the others- Lola Nicole has a voice and she will let you hear it.
Owner Surrender
At just 2.5 weeks old, Freya was surrendered after being purchased at an exotic animal auction at Roger's. Not only was she too young to have left her mom and not eating for her owners, she was living in an illegal state. Freya wasn't accepted by the kits in the home in 2022 and spent a lot of time bonding with my dog Cash. Known for her loving personality, she is the first fox to have and official title and middle name—'Princess' Freya Marie—reflecting her demanding nature!

Owner Surrender
Riot is an owner surrender. Riot was ridiculously loved and spoiled by his 15 yr old owner. I have never once experienced a fox so well-behaved and trained. Riot was 2.5 yrs old upon intake in 2022… fully litter trained and spent 2 yrs as the ‘house’ fox here at FTS. He has a leather fetish and has destroyed many expensive items due to it. Riot is a goofy, fun-loving personality who will let you know his mood if you ask him!

Owner Surrender
Fallon was surrendered to Fox Tale Sanctuary as her owners were relocating to a state where fox ownership is illegal. Initially unfriendly and nicknamed 'Baby Satan' for her biting behavior during cleanups and feeding, she has transformed into one of our sweetest foxes, shedding her old reputation.

Owner Surrender
Poof was surrendered by a loving owner who had fallen on difficult times. Living out of her car, she sought a better life for her. Initially scared and unsure, Poof has gained confidence and is very vocal- giggling for her 'pets and attention'. She is food motivated, especially for her favorite Full Moon treats.

Legal Transfer- Hoarding Case
Jasper and Willow were rescued from a hoarding situation in Youngstown, where over 50 animals were found in poor conditions. We offered assistance quickly, while a local rescue cared for the foxes until we secured permanent custody following the court hearings. Jasper has a smooth, cool demeanor.

Legal Transfer- Hoarding Case
Jasper and Willow were rescued from a hoarding situation in Youngstown, where over 50 animals were found in poor conditions. We offered assistance quickly, while a local rescue cared for the foxes until we secured permanent custody following the court hearings. Willow is still pretty reserved following her experience but is well on her way to opening up.

Owner Surrender
Little Miss Hazel is an owner surrender. Upon intake, Hazel was the tiniest of foxes and a survivor of two that the owner had. Hazel made her FTS debut at a brunch fundraiser at Lago and was the hit of the event. Hazel is an attention-seeking, energetic fox who has a fiery personality that could rival Freya’s princess status.

Owner Surrender
J was surrendered to us in December 2022 and was quite unfriendly at first. We allowed him space to adjust while working on building his trust. For the first year, he was aggressive, allowing only a few people to care for him. However, with patience, J has made great progress, now enjoying pets, belly rubs, and playtime.
State Transfer
Portia was discovered in a horse pasture after jumping an electric fence. Her experience with the fence allowed the property owner to capture her and contact Fox Tale Sanctuary. As she wasn't microchipped, her owners couldn't be found. The property owner cared for Portia for two weeks while we arranged her documentation and transfer to Fox Tale Sanctuary. Portia is a soft-hearted, loving personality!

Owner Surrender
Felix came to FTS in the spring/summer of 2023 at about 6 months old and was an owner surrender. The owner was doing all they could but with younger children, his escape methods and boundless energy they knew it wasn’t going to work.
Felix is the rare fox that craves human attention, we have named him our official greeter. He is high energy all the time, loves pets, belly rubs, paw massages and his tether ball!

Owner Surrender
Smokey, a beautiful red fox, was surrendered to the sanctuary from Indiana after being purchased at an exotic auction. His loving family tried to adapt their lifestyle for him but ultimately decided he would thrive better among other foxes. Smokey has a playful and innocent personality!

Owner Surrender
Bandit came to Fox Tale Sanctuary following his owners declining physical health. It had just become too difficult to care for Bandit with physical limitations. Bandit is a GIANT FLUFF BALL! This past spring, we needed to attach bristle broom brushes to the doorway of his fox house to help him shed his winter coat. Bandit is an old soul- very calm and quiet.

Owner Surrender
This little girl DEFINITELY earned her name! She initially started her journey as a captive-bred fox in the wild at the beginning of July 2023… only to be captured and escape again. Rebel is a little ‘Houdini’ for sure. She gained her popularity in Youngstown, amongst a community of people who were dedicated to saving her. Rebel shares an enclosure with Smokey at the sanctuary, and continues to come out of her shell!

Owner Surrender
Gypsy, a little silver, was surrendered by her owner late last year (2023) in hopes of giving her a better life. Despite the tough decision, she’s a bundle of energy, very friendly, and loves to have fun in her enclosure, often leaving toys and litter scattered around. With her adorable face, it’s hard to stay mad at her!

Personal Pet
Monte came to the sanctuary as a kit when Michelle fell in love with him from a breeder at 5 weeks old. Next to Stink, he has bonded with Michelle and is thriving at the Sanctuary. He has made his home with Hazel and Wheeler who fell in love with him when he was introduced to everyone. He has quickly grown and shows signs of becoming the largest fox we have at the Sanctuary thanks to being on a proper raw diet which is vital to his health and well-being.

Owner Surrender
Lucian came to Fox Tale Sanctuary after exchanging hands with multiple owners at the young age of 5 weeks old. He was purchased from an exotic pet auction and the person quickly learned that foxes aren’t as domesticated as they are made out to be. After shuffling hands a couple of times, a kind woman reached out to the sanctuary, knowing her limitations and asked for us to provide him a home. Lucian is housed with Fallon and has a spunky personality!

Captive Bred Capture
Seville arrived at Fox Tale Sanctuary after being spotted running freely in Seville Township. In September 2024, the Police Chief alerted us that he was near a busy state route and seemed injured. After a brief chase, with the Chief's help, we captured him and rushed him to our exotic vet. Fortunately, he had not been hit by a car but had injuries from a barbed wire fence. Now fully recovered, Seville is comfortable and happily beginning a new chapter at the sanctuary, with no owner having come forward.